Monday, 1 August 2011


My Invisalign..

Wearing my Invisalign, you cant really tell right?..

So the few of you who know me too personally, may know i have just started Invisalign. Those of you who didnt know, well check it out!!

Its another form of Orthodontics so it is hopefully going to make my teeth super straight. It cost a bit more then braces and works by wearing the clear mould for 20-22hrs out of the day for two weeks, and then you change to a new mould for another 2 weeks, and so on for however many moulds you are required for your personal plan. So my plan consists of 20 moulds, which will take about 40 weeks to completely straighten my teeth. Im so use to them now i dont even notice they are in, the only sucky side is the little white clips they have to put on some of your teeth to clip the moulds on and help move the teeth, but its not so bad. I have to take them out to eat and drink but im pretty cool with it now, starting my third mould on saturday, only 18 to go..

EmmaGrace xx

P.S My stats tell me a lot of you are viewing my blog so thanks, why not sign up and follow me, there are heaps more blogs you could totally benefit from out there..

P.P.S How cute is the Motel we are staying at until our new place is available on Sunday!! Its called El Paso in Port Macquarie, i highly recommend it and the room service is AMAZING..

Saturday, 23 July 2011

We Belong Together..


I am so excited to announce that my little munchkin Minnie and i
will re-unite in 2-3 weeks time and i cant wait. I wanted a puppy 4
years ago and came across some friends selling miniature dacshunds
and fell in love with the runt. She was introduced to our family and
was a favourite among us all!! I was living with my parents and when
i went to work in the snow last year they were more then happy to
take care of her for a couple of months, i visited her back home a
few times but my parents decided to get another little puppy to keep
her company while i was gone. Thats where Lola came into the family,
they are now best friends and since moving to Port its been hard
finding a place where i can bring her down. The time has finally
come and in 2 weeks we will be moving and I am so excited because
Minnie is coming too.. Its on the canals so its going to be perfect
for summer, and I will be able to set up my sewing machine again and
finish off my creations from last summer. Until then as of tomorrow
we are moving out of our friends and going to stay at a motel in
town called El Paso.. Im calling it my Mexican holiday for two
weeks.... Chau Amigos

EmmaGrace xx

Where did we park the car?...

I have been so busy lately with work, and organising moving i havent
had time to get a battery for my camera, so new pics for posts have been non existant.. But i thought i would share with you a picture from summer, we used to live in town and would always park on the street. One morning i woke up and remembered the markets were on, as i ran to the balcony i realised that the markets had been set up around my car.. It was one of the funniest things ive ever seen!!

EmmaGrace xx 

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Lemonade Scones...

Unfortunatley my camera is still out of action.. So the picture above is sourced from google, but i can however give you an amazing scone recipe, and possibly the easiest to remember off by heart!

You will need;

1x Cup of Cream
1x Cup of Lemonade
3x Cup of Self Rasing Flour

Preheat your oven to 180-200 degrees and have your trays ready to go! Mix together Cream, Lemonade, and Self Raising Flour until combined, you will need some hand action for this, as you kneed away you may need to add a bit more Flour here and there so the dough isnt too sticky. Roll prefered size, pop in your tray, and bake for 20-30mins or until lightly golden. Serve with Jam and whipped cream and im telling you they are to DIE for!! People never believe this recipe but it is the best, Mum and I have been using it for years..


EmmaGrace xx

Thursday, 14 July 2011

From 1 to 4..

Above are the album covers of the three new additions i got today for my cd collection which is now at a total of 4!!

Honestly i know its crazy but i havent bought a cd in years, the one before this was Triple J's hottest 100 from Australia Day 2011, i seriously only owned 1 cd up until today! Im pretty excited, my new car that has a cd player is the reason i bought them. I find my self still driving around in silence because i forget i have a stereo that works now. Oh if you dont know i got a new car like 2 weeks ago, my other one was literally falling apart..

Good night guys

EmmaGrace xx

P.S click the link to here one of my fav songs by City and Colour

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

OMG Golden Bodz...

So i road tripped up to the Gold Coast on the weekend and had the  most amazing time seeing all my family and friends again. My two friends Jen and Siobhan own Golden Bodz on the Gold Coast and had been dying for me to try their spray tans.. When she found out i was coming up she convinced me to strip off and get bronzed up. Im not going to lie i was a little concerned as it is winter and i am sooo white right now and i didnt want to look like an orange idiot cruising around in the middle of winter with an obvious fake tan! but how could i resist, being tanned is sooo much more forgiving!! and im so glad i did!! I walked around pretty much nude because i couldnt believe how amazing my tan was!!

She uses a solution "thats
so" from Italy and it is AMAZING!!! i am home now and my tan has still lasted, i was worried it would start coming off patchy but its just slowly fading away, you really wont believe me until you try it!! Everyones first tan is only $25 and from then on its $30. They can also come to you as they are a mobile spray tanning business so if you want them to come to you the price goes up from $35 depending where you live, and the best part is there is NO MESS!! you can do it in any room in your house completely mess free they will bring all the supplies to you and you wont have to worry about a thing!! Its really amazing, im just so bummed that i cant go back next week and get one.

EmmaGrace xx

P.S - Golden Bodz also do Boot Camp, so you can get tonned, and

tanned.. BONUS :)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

24 Hour Fail...

The last 24 hours has been extreme...

Up at 8am, no time for breakfast, at work by 8.30. Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, 1pm 30minute lunch, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Twisties.. Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, 5pm clock off... for me... no!! Work, Work, Work, Work, 8pm weird noises late at work, decided to head home, get in and turn on my new car (bought a new car a week ago its amazing, my lovely parents found it for me and i LOVE IT)


Note to self, when car is making loud un-usual ticking noise... it means it is not good!!

Check the oil... oil full, call Andrew at work, responds with "Ticking bad", 8.20pm Hunger strikes my stomach, phone the Mother, responds with "Ticking bad", call NRMA, membership expired,

ME: "Can you send some one out to check if its ok and i will pay cash??"
NRMA: " must renew membership via credit card over the phone"..
ME:"But i dont have a credit card!!"
NRMA: "Debit Card?"
ME: "No... I have my partners Debit card!"
NRMA:"Okay great i will transfer you through to RACQ to renew your member ship"
RACQ... BLA BLA BLA "Sorry, if its Andrews debit card he needs to be here to authorise usage."
ME: "But how will you even know if its Andrew??"
RACQ: "Because we will ask him"
ME: "Okay im Andrew!! :)"
RACQ: "No Emma, we can call him for you"
ME: "Okay thanks but he doesnt know i need to use his card, can you please let him know"
Hunger is striking badly!!
RACQ: "Okay Emma that is confirmed, membership renewed, now i will put you back through to NRMA as you are in NSW!"

NRMA: "60 Minute wait"
ME: :(

NRMA come, car is OKAY, cold weather may be causing oil to become gluggy and not pump the oil through the lifters, creating ticking noise, ticking noise slowly decends, safe to drive without blowing up..

Hunger unbearable, more asleep then awake, Maccas stop.. calmed by an apple pie,

10.10pm arrive home, in need of shower but there is no hot water..

Crawl into bed, stinky, tired, sick from Mcdonalds, and dreading the working day tomorrow followed by 5.5 Hour drive after work to the Gold Coast in a car that may have issues!!!

EmmaGrace xx

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sounds Juicy...

I've never really been that into juice, and ive never wanted to buy
boost juice because i have freakish issues with foods, especially
seeds and pulp!!!

Freak...I know...

One of my good friends Sam Berry owns a juicer and when i was at her
place one day, threw into her juicer some left over fruits in her
fridge and made me the most wonderful juice ive ever had!! Pulp and
seed free Apple, Watermelon and Mandarine juice poured over ice, who
ever thought they would taste so good together..

From then on i wanted a juicer, and a juicer i got!! Pictured above
is our new juicer, this bad boy juice's whole apples and separates
the pulp and the seeds, and i mean all the pulp, leaving a nice
fluffy foam on the top of your juice which is a delight for me..

I know when you look at the juicer it seems messy, and hard to
clean, and time consuming... but it really isnt! You just pull it
apart in 1, 2, 3, and rinse it off.. the catcher on the side
collects the pulp and if you need can pour over your veggie garden.

Below is a link to the exact model we bought, and between you and
me, you NEVER pay full price at The Good Guys...

EmmaGrace xx

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

One to the Zee... Round Two...

Okay, so if you dont all already know, yes i am a proud owner of a
onesie, and yes, one of my best friends hand made it for me and she
has barely even sewen before, and yes im not scared to wear it, and
yes you are all slightly jealous even if you think i look silly in

Wellllll... Drum Roll Please... Be slightly jealous no more, as you
could also be the proud owner of a onesie!!

Now, i have been sitting quietly on this information since i
discovered it last week, with my new onesie infactuation i went
searching for somewhere that sells decent onesies, but i think its
only fair that i should not be so greedy and want all the onesies to
myself, and share this information with you.

Here is a link for a website that YES sell onesies.. the correct
terms are hooded pajamas, hooded footed pajamas, drop seat pajamas

I havent personally purchased from this sight and when i do i will
give you personal feedback, but i do know of someone who has purchased from this website and yes they ship to AUS!!

So knock your socks off guys, because you wont need socks in one of

these bad boys!!

My favourite are the Hooded drop seat ones!! Prices are good too ay!

EmmaGrace xx

"Millions of Peaches, Peaches for me...."


Unfortunately this post isnt about Millions of Peaches, its about

Its just when i think of Pears, i think of Peaches, and when i think of Peaches, i think of... Millions of Peaches, Peaches for Me!

The battery to my camera died last week and couldnt be revived by its charger, so i havent been able to take any good pictures for a
post, but i couldnt resist,
so i apologise for the crap quality of
my camera phone pic, but dont be fooled, this recipe is AMAZING!!

Baked pears have been on my tongues list of things to crave for a while..

At the grocery shops the other day my phones technology gave me the
speedy information on what ingredients i need from google for a cooked pear desert recipe, and if you follow this recipe, your buds could be tantalised like mine were..

If i remember correctly (google remembers correctly)

You will need,

4 large firm pears
2 sticks of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1 table spoon lemon juice
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cup of water

I think i used way more brown sugar then that... like maybe 1 and
1/3, but use how much you like, it will still be delicious at the

Peel the top half of your pears, and cut a wedge in the middle of
the bottoms so they dont fall over in your pot!

Mix together your Cinnamon, Sugar, Water and Spices and pour over
your pears in the pot.

Boil on a medium to low heat with the lid on for 35 minutes, this
may take longer depending on the size of your pears but you can
basically tell by the softness of the pear, the softer, the better!

You need to baste the tops of your pears that are sticking out of
the water a few times, i got scared i was going to ruin them so i
poured spoonfulls of the syrup on the tops every 10 minutes..
probably not necessary to do that much, but it worked well for me!
Make sure you keep the lid on and eventually your pears will start
to soften.

Serve with a bit of your syrup poured over the top and whipped cream
was our garnish of choice.. ice cream would work as well, or if your
pears are sweet enough you can eat them on their own.

Your spoon should slice the side of your pear with ease, if it doesnt, dont worry, they will still taste amazing, just cook for longer next time!! Because there will definately be a next time with this recipe!!

EmmaGrace xx
P.S A LITTLE TIP.... the last three times i basted, i sprinkled normal sugar over the tops of my pears for extra sweetness.. and let the sugar melt on the tops of the pears... i think you definately need to do this!!!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

"We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love each other."...

I went Op shopping yesterday on my lunch break, trying to find ornaments to decorate one of our stores, and Voila! i came across this beautiful hat and being only $4 how could i resist.

"In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines lived 12 little girls in 2 straight lines"

Before you know it these colder months will shoot by and Spring picnics, Sun, Warmth, florals, and play time will come about and i know just what i'll be wearing!!

It definitely has a hint of Madeline dont you think??...

"Thats all there is. There isnt, anymore"

EmmaGrace xx


Saturday, 18 June 2011

One to the Zee...

Yesterday i received one of the most exciting presents in the mail!!

My good friend Elese's has owed me a 10' Christmas present for quite some time now, normally i dont demand presents from my friends, but me and Elese go way back and our friendships is just one of those where anything and everything goes, we are just that comfortable in our relationship!!

So after demanding my Christmas present last month, she replied to my demand with a response of "i have to make it"
Im not going to lie, after hearing those words i was a bit scared, but nothing could have excited me more then the gift i was about to receive.

A fellow co-worker brought the package up to me with the name addressed to - Dr. Emma Nagel , (this is what close friends know me as) i was nervous, anxious  and excited (my mood ring told me so) about what was going to be inside!!

I saw white, navy and red sailor printed material inside the package, and some how i knew what it was going to be, out i pull the cutest, best, most coolest present in the whole world...... A ONESIE!!!

A neck to toe sailor printed flannelette onesie - Hand made by Elese, with wrist cuffs, cute red buttons, pockets and even special stitching for the heels of the feet!!

As Excited as i was, i put it on at work straight away, and i must say it is that soft, and that warm, and that cosy i never want to get out of it!!

Two nights into my onesie, and i am LOVING IT!! i dont care how ridiculous some people may think i look, i am telling you, nude under this thing is like a gift from god!! Why do you think kids love them some much!!
Some one had a good idea when they designed the onesie, and so did my good friend Elese!!

It just goes to show that good things come to people who wait, or good presents come to you, if you nag your friend enough!!

I sure will be sleeping well this winter :).

EmmaGrace xx

Details: All of you wanting a onesie, i believe Elese bought the pattern off ebay, spent about 7 hours making it, and a fair bit of $$ as well!! Love you Elese xxx

Friday, 17 June 2011

“We made a pact, Wolfpack only.”


Wednesday night was a classic date night this week!!

Dinner and a Movie with the old ball and chain :)

If the Hang Over Two wasnt going to bring us enough laughs, the amusing Stacker machine in the Cinema foyer was!! Stacker is my ultimate weakness, how can a game that seems so simple, be so hard?? 

If you dont know stacker its easy, theres a big blue button, you press it to start, and you must get the little blue squares that move from side to side on the screen to stack on top of each other  at the press of a button!! You stack the squares all the way to the top where you can choose a Minor Prize, or you can decided to be greedy and go further to the MAJOR prize!!

My ultimate prize was waiting for me in the minor prize section, $5 later and we had won not just one mood ring, but THREE!!

We had pretty much cleared the whole Mood Ring row with a small, medium and large size!! and im not going to lie i have barely taken it off all week.

I cant take full claim of this one though, Bourkey did win the first 2.

I think i treat my mood ring more like an 8 ball, i ask it questions like "am i happy or sad today Mood Ring?" and just act whatever mood the colour states i am, so when the colour changes i run around going "yay im excited now", or "oh no its changed to red, now im nervous"!!

Sometimes its hard to tell what mood im in because the colour chart on the packet says that happy and sad are the same colour, which can make me seem slightly bi-polar.

All in all it was a nice relaxing evening, and the movie was HILARIOUS as expected, i guess i can give the other 2 rings to who i think are my...

"three best friends that anyone could have"

EmmaGrace xx

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Vegie Feta Bake ..

Dont be put off by the picture, this Vegie Bake is a must on those cold winter days! Compliments of my good friend Renee, this dish is delicious and easy to make.

You will need to choose a variety of your fav vegies,

For me its,

.Sweet Potato

You could also choose Pumpkin, Carrot ect.

You will also need,

.Tasty Cheese -Optional

.Chicken Noodle Soup
.Fresh Garlic
.Your own Fav Herbs and Spices

I chose to do just vegies, but a Roast Chicken broken up and added to the mix is also a favourable option.

Pre-heat oven to 200C

Decide how much/many people you would like to cook for and have a suitable size oven proof dish ready to go. I made a large size serving 4 and pictured above is a seperate dish gifted to me by my beautiful Auntie, that i made especially for lunch tomorrow.

Chop the vegies up into small sizes and cook them your traditional way,
If you dont have a traditional way, steam your Potato, Sweet Potato and Brocolini in the microwave and fry up the Onion, Capsicum, and Mushroom in some oil and fresh Garlic.

Put your steamed vegies in a layer on the bottom, and your fried vegies in a layer on top.

Add contents of Chicken Noodle Soup into a regular mug and fill with boiling water. Stir and let the noodles soak up, then poor the soup over the vegies, and spoon a layer of noodles on top.

Crumble over the top of your vegies the feta, and grated or finely sliced tasty cheese on top.

Put in the oven to bake together and id say an estimated time of about 15-20mins will do the trick, your vegies should already be cooked, your basically wanting your cheeses to melt and soften up, also check the softness of your vegies with a fork if needed.

Serve straight out of the oven for an instant warm feeling, with the crunchy-ness of the noodles, and the creamy-ness of the cheeses, this dish is to die for!!!

And just remember if you do need an extra oompf, just add Roast Chicken broken up and spread throughout the dish.
EmmaGrace xx

BYO, Rules...

With the rainy weather putting a damper on our long weekend in P Mac,
and the Winter Sun bringing thousands of people to town, staying in was definitely the better option! At the last minute a few friends invited me over to snack out and watch the first season of Laguna Beach, which is when Uno Attack came to mind.

A 21st birthday gift from my beautiful boyfriend really brought the competitive side out in me tonight!! For all of you that dont know, Uno Attack is our childhood favourite game 'Uno', but with a few new cards and a machine, that with a press of a button, and a mind of its own, will spit out however many cards it chooses, giving the game a touch of anxiousness as you wait to see how many cards it chooses for you!!

I wont give away any of the new rules, but everyone seemed to bring their own rules to the table anyway, giving the game an exciting twist! All in all it was a fantastic night, and any girls night in should have a fun game to play, even if it does have our competitive side uttering "suck it" to our components!!

EmmaGrace xx

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Me, Heart, Home....

Towns Beach, Port Macquarie 2011

Hello Dear Friends,

As most of you should know, I Moved to Port Macquarie from the Gold Coast at the end of 2010.

Leaving behind, family, friends and my little sausage Minnie..

Starting new adventures, and a way to document them,

Me, Heart, Home.. is my place to do just that!

Keeping you updated with my life, wherever it may be

Home is where the heart is, and you are all still in mine.

EmmaGrace xx